Primary 3 – 6

3 – 6

Learning is made tangible and authentic

Our 3-4 (Ignite) & 5-6 (Blaze) classrooms draw upon the benefits of the multi-stage environment. Students can volunteer for a wide variety of roles; developing their skills in collaboration, leadership and independence. Learning is made tangible and authentic, providing a synergy between being an active learner and an active participant in their class, the school and the broader community.

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A week in the life of...

The Grade 3/4 & 5/6 classrooms follow a similar format to the K-2 class, allowing for shared experiences and activities at certain times, such as Chapel and assemblies. They kick off their learning in the morning with a focus on literacy, strengthening a wide range of communication skills. Morning tea provides an opportunity to refuel and release some energy with friends before tackling numeracy based challenges before lunch. These are explored using investigations of real world issues, providing the chance to work collaboratively to solve complex and authentic problems, with a blend of concrete tasks and technology based activities. After an action packed lunch break, they use their allocated Golden Time to inquire deeply about areas of interest, across a wide variety of topics, whether that’s Science, History, Music or Drama, as well as further physically based games. Rotations play a strong role in the class, allowing students more targeted time with the teacher and helping to grow students’ personal sense of responsibility, resilience and skills in collaboration. Through an integrated approach, the Ignite & Blaze classes develop a strong depth of character, whilst being nurtured to flourish academically, equipping them for high school and beyond.

Sports Day

This year Sport Day is Wednesday. Students are to wear sports uniform on this day. As with all uniform, if the correct uniform is unavailable, a note or email to the teacher is required.



Library is a wonderful time for students to dive into well-loved authors or explore a new one. Either way, the passion for reading is encouraged through a weekly borrowing of a wide range of books. Students are encouraged to share with their classmates about the books they have enjoyed reading, encouraging each other in the adventure.


Toy Day

Primary students are able to bring along a toy or different sporting equipment on Fridays. While the items are kept safely in the students’ bags during class time, they provide for a fun filled time during breaks as they explore some different playing with friends. Students are encouraged to bring something along that will include others in play. The simple exclusion to remember is no electronic or ‘fighting’ toys to come along. Parents are encouraged to label their child’s things to ensure everything returns to the correct home at the end of the day.

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